About Us

River Rock Vineyard Christian Fellowship invests to be an encouraging church that emphasizes personal relationship with Jesus in the freedom of the Holy Spirit. We welcome people to come, just as they are, to worship in a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere. While here you’ll experience various forms of corporate worship lead with sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, Bible teaching, and Spirit-led prayer and listening for the prophetic voice of Jesus.

The message from the Bible is shared in various ways through teaching, discussion, intentional time dedicated to quieting ourselves to listen to His heart/voice, and through prophetic practice.  

By investing time to quiet down and ask the Lord what He’d like to say to us gives room for Him to move instead of us trying to make something happen or try to entertain the congregation. We try to facilitate a safe environment for us all to practice listening and hearing from God and sharing what we sense He’s saying or shows us in an honorable way. It is the art of learning and growing in the gift of prophecy. We believe that ALL of us have this capacity to “hear” from God for  encouragement and to bless of others. This is demonstrated and done in a very natural way, without hype or the need to get attention. We call this being “naturally supernatural” when we connect with the Lord, share in normal language in a natural and encouraging way.

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