Core Values

The Bible – Through the study of God’s word we learn His  values and virtues to live by. (2 Timothy 3: 16-17)

Worship – with sensitivity toward the Holy Spirit we experience His Presence through praise and worship, listening to His leading and expressing our love to the Father in freedom and truth. (Psalm 42: 1-2)

Ministering with the Gifts of the Spirit – God gives these gifts to extend His love to people and fulfill His purpose. (1 Corinthians 12-14)

Giving – We give in various ways to those in need in our neighborhoods, community and beyond. This is the desire of the Father to bless and be life-giving. (James 1: 27)

Praying for healing for those who are sick or hurting –  Jesus ministered to the sick and hurting by His miraculous healing touch while He was on earth. Now He welcomes us to participate in what He is still doing to bless others. We ask and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit to pray and do what is on the Father’s heart. (Mark 16: 15-18)

Missions – Through both tangible means and faithful intercession we value and commit to church planting and world missions here and abroad. (Acts 1: 8)

Blessing the Whole Body of Christ– Jesus came to bridge the gap between us and the Father. He prayed that we all would be one in Him so that the world would believe the Father sent Him. (John 17: 21) We believe that by building relationships with other local churches and beyond there could be unity in the whole Body of Christ. (Ephesians 4)

Blessing our Community – By reaching out in authentic ways to love people in our community, in our neighborhoods and work places we share the kindness of Jesus. This is done in a variety of ways, none of which are a formula to expand the Gospel of Christ, but rather a practical tangible way to help people see Jesus in an authentic way. (Matthew 5: 13-16)

Equipping – Through our core values we want to equip others to grow in closer relationship with Jesus, to encourage others in their journey toward Jesus and a continued understanding and knowledge of the Kingdom in order to express the goodness of God in our world.  (1 Peter 4: 10-11)